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AlzRisk Paper Detail

Reference: Kivipelto, 2005
Cohort: North Karelia Project/FINMONICA/Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging, and Dementia
Risk Factor: Obesity

Average Follow-up Time Detail
"Participants of the Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Aging, and Dementia (CAIDE) study were derived from random, population-based samples previously studied in a survey carried out in 1972, 1977, 1982, or 1987. After an average follow-up of 21 years, 1449 individuals (73%) aged 65 to 79 years participated in the reexamination in 1998. "

Exposure Detail
Method of BMI ascertainment: technician measurement

"In brief, the baseline survey included a self-administered questionnaire on health behavior, health status, and medical history. Height and weight were measured, and BMI was calculated as weight in kilograms divided by the square of height in meters."

The authors conducted the analysis categorizing the exposure into two and three categories, and adjusting for different sets of covariates. This row corresponds to the analysis performed after categorizing the exposure into three groups and adjusting for age, education, gender, APOE alleles, and cardiovascular risk factors.

Ethnicity Detail
All participants were residents of two geographical areas in Eastern Finland. No other information on race or ethnicity was provided.

Age Detail
Participants had a mean age of 71.6 (SD = 4.1) years at the follow-up examination in 1998.

Screening and Diagnosis Detail
Screening Method:
MMSEMini-Mental State Examination (Folstein 1975)

AD Diagnosis:
NINCDS ADRDA National Institute of Neurological and Communicative Diseases and Stroke/Alzheimer's Disease and Related Disorders Association Criteria (McKhann 1984)

Total Dementia Definition: Dementia via DSM-IV clinical criteria

"Cognitive status was assessed using a 3-step protocol for the diagnosis of dementia: a screening, a clinical, and a differential diagnostic phase (Figure).12 A total of 61 participants were diagnosed as having dementia according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition,15 and 48 of them fulfilled the diagnostic criteria of AD according to the NINCDS-ADRDA.16 The dementia diagnoses (n = 56) of the nonparticipants were derived from medical records of hospitals and health care centers. In the main analyses, we used only dementia and AD diagnoses from the study to ensure diagnostic accuracy, but we reran the analyses also including dementia cases from the medical records. "

Covariates & Analysis Detail
Analysis Type:
Logistic regression

AD Covariates:
APOE4APOE e4 genotype
DMdiabetes mellitus
DBPdiastolic blood pressure
FUTfollow up time
MImycardial infarction history
SMsmoking status
SHstroke history
SBPsystolic blood pressure
TCtotal cholesterol

TD Covariates:
APOE4APOE e4 genotype
DMdiabetes mellitus
DBPdiastolic blood pressure
FUTfollow up time
MImycardial infarction history
SMsmoking status
SHstroke history
SBPsystolic blood pressure
TCtotal cholesterol